High-quality and balanced with healthy ingredients
WOW Adult dry dog food - fish, spinach and sweet potato is a high-quality, balanced dry food for adult dogs of all sizes and breeds. It contains a variety of healthy ingredients such as fish, spinach, sweet potato and seaweed. Fish is an excellent source of protein for dogs. It not only provides important amino acids, but also a high nutrient content. This has a positive effect on brain function and the development and health of muscles and joints. The sweet potato is an ideal source of carbohydrates and fiber. It provides the body with energy and at the same time supports digestion thanks to its fiber-rich structure. It also contains antioxidants that can help the body fight free radicals. Spinach is rich in vitamins and fiber. These have a positive effect on the dog's blood sugar level and help to regulate it. Steamed spinach is easily digestible for dogs.
Seaweed - a vital boost for your dog
The addition of seaweed to this dry dog food has several benefits. The algae contains many important vitamins, minerals and trace elements that are essential for your dog's well-being. 25% of the protein in this food comes from fresh salmon and is therefore of high quality. It also contains fresh vegetables, high-quality herbs and minerals for a balanced dog diet. It also contains no artificial preservatives or flavor enhancers. WOW Adult dry dog food is available in two different kibble sizes: normal (12 mm) in 6 or 12 kg bags and mini (8 mm) for smaller dogs in 1 kg bags. This allows individual adaptation to the respective dog. The WOW Adult dry food - fish with spinach and sweet potato is definitely recommended for all dogs that like fish in their food bowl! Not only does it contain healthy ingredients of the highest quality, it also tastes particularly good. Your four-legged friend will be delighted!